Alternatives to lube - What works best as a substitute?
One tablespoon of olive oil can be more harmful to a condom than 18 liters of air pumped into it. Why this is so, and which popular lube alternatives should rather stay in the kitchen, you can find out here.
Lubricant - What if there is none available at the right moment?
Whether silicone-based, water-based, warming, tingling or organic - there are now a variety of lubricants. Whether for medical reasons or for a lusty portion of extra fun, there is the right one for every need.
But what if you realize too late that the well-tried tube is already empty? We took a closer look at popular home remedies and alternatives to find the best replacement.
It all depends on the type of intercourse you have
Oral, vaginal, anal, and with or without a condom: these factors affect whether or not a particular remedy can be used as a substitute.
Foods like honey are a popular lubricant alternative for oral satisfaction. Simply spread it on the desired body parts and the sweet taste literally invites you to indulge. Kisses and caresses become a whole new love adventure thanks to the golden-colored treat.
Honey can usually be applied to the external intimate area of both men and women without any problems. An Egyptian study even found that a mixture of yogurt and honey can work against vaginal fungus.
Of course, an intolerance cannot be ruled out. If you want to be on the safe side, it is advisable to use a lubricant gel with flavor, because this was developed especially for the intimate area.
If penetrative vaginal intercourse also occurs, it is generally better to leave food in the kitchen. This is because mucous membranes often react very sensitively to foreign substances.
The sensitive vaginal flora
One reason for this is that vaginal mucous membranes react strongly and unpredictably to changes in pH. The pH value is a measure that describes the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
The vagina is a sensitive environment that depends on a natural balance of microorganisms and fluids. A healthy vaginal environment normally has a pH of 3.8 to 4.5, which is slightly acidic.
If you apply home remedies such as moisturizer or various oils that are not adapted to the female vaginal flora, they can alter the pH and lead to fungus, irritation and infection. Ingredients such as perfume can also irritate the intimate area and cause severe burning. This is especially true for massage oils that are not explicitly labeled as 2-in-1 products.
Coconut oil as a lubricant alternative
Pure coconut oil is an exception: it is not only well tolerated, but can also be used for intimate care. Like honey, coconut oil acts as a natural remedy against vaginal fungus.
Coconut oil can also be used to care for the anal area. It thus provides a convenient lubricant substitute for vaginal or anal intercourse. But one should take into account that the lubricating ability decreases faster than with a real (anal) lubricant. In addition, coconut oil should never be used with latex condoms, as condoms become porous due to fats and oils.
Thesame applies to milking grease: to date, some gynecologists recommend using a sparing amount of milking grease in the intimate area as care. It could therefore be considered as a substitute for lubricant. However, milking fat also has a very high fat content, which can be very harmful for latex condoms.
Are there other lubricant alternatives for anal intercourse?
Sufficient lubricant is a must for anal intercourse, as the mucous membranes in the anus cannot produce nearly as much moisture as those in the vagina. Dry anal intercourse can cause severe pain and irritation for all involved. Unlike in certain adult films, a little spit won't get you very far here, because it dries out quickly and hardly provides any lubrication.
Greasy substances such as salad oil and Vaseline also do more harm than good here. The anal mucous membranes are just as sensitive as the vaginal mucous membranes and tend to get infected easily.
There are numerous lubricating gels that have been specially developed for anal intercourse. In most cases, these have a longer and more intense glide than standard lubricants. So it is advisable to rather postpone the anal adventure and get a suitable lubricant gel beforehand.
Condoms - Why can't I use home remedies like coconut oil, milking fat or lotion?
As a medical device, a condom must be able to contain 18 liters of air without bursting, according to the ISO 4074 standard. A little cream or oil won't do any harm, will it?
Unfortunately wrong! Fatty or oily substances such as coconut oil, olive oil, petrolatum and moisturizers actually do a lot of damage. To understand why these substances are so dangerous to condoms, you must first understand how a condom is made.
Common condoms, which are not latex-free, are made from natural rubber latex. This is vulcanized beforehand. This means that the rubber is mixed with some sulfur under pressure and heat. This causes the formation of sulfur bridges, i.e. many small compounds within the material. The chemical reaction ensures that the material becomes soft and elastic.
Unvulcanized rubber would have a stubborn consistency, break when cold and melt when hot. This makes it completely unthinkable as a material for car tires, cleaning gloves or condoms.
However, mineral oils and greases can attack these chemical sulfur bridges within the rubber and impair the structure of the material. This is also due to the fact that natural rubber swells strongly in mineral oils and fats. If these bridges break, the rubber and thus the condom becomes porous and tiny damage and microcracks occur.
Incidentally, these sulfur bridges replace themselves over time to become oxygen bridges, which also damages the rubber. Therefore, condoms do not last forever, but usually only around 5 years. However, UV light, humidity, air and other environmental factors can accelerate the process, so the correct storage of condoms is also important.
We therefore recommend using only water-based lubricant for condoms and no home remedies or alternative products.
What do I have to keep in mind about lube gel in general?
Lubricating gels are actually very undemanding, but there are 3 points that you should pay attention to:
- The lubricant gel can be used for the desired benefit, so is toy- or condom-safe if needed.
- Lubricating gels, like condoms, should be stored in a cool, dry and dark place. A cupboard or the bedside drawer is well suited
- The best-before date has not yet expired. Not all lubes have one listed, but if it is there, it should not be exceeded.
I don't have any water-based lubricant - Can I use condoms with silicone-based lubricant?
Unfortunately, it becomes similarly chemical here, because condoms are usually already coated with silicone-based lubricant gel in advance. Our MISTER SIZE cond oms, for example, are coated with high-quality, pure silicone oil (dimethicone).
The problem: There are different types of silicone oil. If you now use a silicone-based lubricant, it may be that the silicone oil contained is different from that of the condom coating.
If you combine two different silicone oils, a chemical reaction occurs that can cause the condom to become porous. Silicone-based lubricants should therefore only be used with condoms if their compatibility with latex condoms is clearly marked on the package.
What about silicone-based lubricants for sex toys?
With glass or plastic toys, silicone-based lubricant is a great additional product. However, it is strongly not recommended for silicone toys, because the solid silicone of the toy and even pure silicone oil are two different materials. When solid silicone comes into contact with silicone oil, a chemical reaction also occurs that can attack and damage the solid silicone.
This is because silicone oil is a kind of solvent for solid silicone and makes it brittle. Therefore, you are on the safe side if you only use water-based lubricants for toys.
Conclusion: It's better to get the right lubricant instead of regretting it afterwards.
Experiments in bed: Always happy to experiment with positions and sex practices, but caution is advised when using home remedies as lubricants. Creams, cooking oils and lotions care for the skin velvety-soft, but can irritate the mucous membranes in the intimate area and promote infections.
So unless a product is specifically designed for the genitals, it's better to keep it away from this sensitive area. It becomes quite dangerous when using condoms: oils and fats cause the natural rubber latex to swell, which rapidly decreases its safety.
Lubricants are now available (almost) everywhere: in supermarkets, pharmacies, drugstores, gas stations and online stores. While it's annoying to have to postpone the hot act of love because of a missing or empty tube, sitting at the doctor's office with a fungal infection is even more annoying.
The MISTER SIZE organic lubricant as an all-round talent
Especially for people who want it to be safe and uncomplicated, a high-quality and water-based lubricant like the MISTER SIZE organic lubric ant gel is the right choice.
This can be used with toys and condoms without any problems and is also suitable for anal intercourse due to its long-lasting lubrication. Unlike many substitute products, there are no irritating ingredients, chemical reactions or conformity of materials to be considered - just put it on and let the wet pleasure begin!